Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Good News and Bad News...

The good news is i ordered a new camera and it should be here today!

More good news is that we have had two lambs born one ram and one ewe. They are so very cute! We also had a set of twin bucks and a set of twin does born from our Goats. We are housing a friends of ours goats and she had kids early this morning triplets! She had two does and one buck. So here on the farm we have a lot of new life and hopefully this year will continue to be good to us with our animal health.

We have the studs for the new barn stalls up in the barn and one stall finished as well as a few temporary stalls for the new moms. Over the winter we fixed all of the barn windows that still had frames and put boards in the window holes were frames were missing. Out of 28 windows there was one we didnt have to fix/replace glass in.

Now for the bad news. Yesterday morning when we got home from work and went to the barn to do chores and check on everyone we found that our tiny baby lamb had been stepped on by either her mother or her grandmother. She had a broken hind leg. So we took her to the emergency vet 45 minutes away and she now has a cast with a great prognosis. The vet assured me that she would have a 100% recovery and be perfectly fine. She will officially be the most expensive animals on the farm by the time she is done with the vet. So we now have a house lamb because the cast can not get wet.

Here are the only pictures of her I have right now taken with my phone. ( you can clearly see why I havnt posted pictures lately)

Clearly she will not be at all spoiled....take no note of the shirt, she was born with it I swear

You can see the vet liked her so much they added hearts to her cast.

More to come soon i hope. Spring is right around the corner!

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

We Got The Farm!!

Well it has been awhile since i have posted anything. Between my digital camera dying and my phone camera not working very well i have not had any new pictures of anything to put up but a lot has been going on since my last post.

First off......

We got the farm!!

This is a picture we took of the farm when we were still just dreaming last spring.

Greg and I fell in love with a 20 acre farm with a huge 1930s barn. The barn is so gorgeous though it needs a lot of repair work it is in very good shape for its age and neglect. The property has a lot of interesting stories to go with it, for starters it used to be called "The old Bank" because the owners last name was Bank.

This barn was also completely rebuild in the early 1930's (1932-1934) because lightning hit the original barn and burned it to the ground. The only thing left in the morning was some of the foundation.

Luckily insurance or the bank we are not sure which paid to have a new barn built. The new barn was built identical to the old barn with a few "modern" improvements. It took 2 years to build the barn, 1 entire year was spent on shaping and bending the roof trusses for the top of the barn, year 2 was spent on building the entire rest of the barn. Hopefully i can get a camera and get some pictures of the inside of the barn for you guys cause it is really beautiful.

Next up to discuss.... we got a few suffolk sheep and the older suffolk ewe is due to drop a lamb any time now. We have several goats also ready to kid in the next month or two.

We are also very excited because we now have PIGS!!!! We have two gilts(females) and a boar(male) and one barrow(castrated male) for my mom for a meat pig. We have been working really hard on making them friendly pigs and they now come up for pets or scratches when we are in their pen. Pigs are by far the cleanest farm animal i have ever seen...yes they love mud but given a choice they will not wallow in their own feces. The pigs in their pen have picked one corner to use as a bathroom and the rest of the stall stays clean, so clean in fact we only have to change their bedding once every two weeks...compared to the sheep that need their bedding changed  about every 5-7 days even with deep bedding and only two sheep in a huge 8ftx12ft stall.

All the rest of the farm animals are doing fine, we have had our losses of course due to predators, weather, and old age.