Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Spring is comming!!

The weather is almost spring worthy here and we are so happy to see the snow and cold go. The farm is very very wet sloppy but it should dry out soon we hope. This is officially our first spring living on the farm and the receding snow means we get to start working outside again trying to clean the farm up. There is a never ending list that only gets longer but we are slowing working our way thru it along with working our off the farm jobs and trying to keep the animals as dry and happy as we can.

Kid/lamb Update...
Our house goat girl and my sweet little lamby maggie are doing great. Maggie is growing so fast now it is amazing you can can almost watch her grow. Tomorrow maggie girl goes back to the vet for hopefully the final visit and her cast coming off.Our house goat girl whose name is Deliha is so very friendly she is always running around after us and wanting to get pets and play. Here are updated pictures of both from today.


And here is a picture of Greg playing with Deliha!!

In other news our twin buck boy goats are going to be 4h kids, they leave for their new home in a week or so. I know Phobe their mom is ready for them to go but she is being a great mom.

On top of that we have a friend of ours using some of our barn while he moves into a new house and gets new fences put up. So this is a picture of 2 of the triplets that Dear threw. That's Dear being all stand offish to the right.

I think thats all the news we have for now. We will be here on the farm battling the constant wet problem. Hopefully we can get the farm re-tiled this year and it will be much drier next year for us.

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