Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Our Goal

We would like to be a place where the community can come for free to spend some time on a working farm. We want to have school children come learn about animals and plants. We want foster kids to be able to learn that the world can be a wonderful place and new things can be fun and exciting. We want people of all ages to be able to come have moonlit picnics under the stars or come pick apples in the fall and berries in the spring for free. We want to take extra produce and eggs to Detroit and Flint and any other areas that need more access to low cost vegetables and nutritious eggs. We want to offer summer programs for urban youth to come stay on the farm for a few days or weeks so they can learn there is more than just life in a big city. We want to offer classes for butchery, soap making, milking, cheese making, herb growing as well as gardening and maintaining a healthy orchard. We have big dreams, ideas and hopes to make a difference in other people’s lives.

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